Utstilling i Nonneseter klosterkapell.

Publisert 26.02.2024

Velkommen til kunstutstilling i klosterkapellet på Nonneseter.
From a sphere you came, to a sphere you must remain and from a sphere you must rise again
by Freja Rieper-Holm
Welcoming everyone to join the vernissage taking place on the international women's day, at Nonneseter kapell. The show consists of an installation revolving around interconnected themes of reproduction, loss and the tabooed aftermaths of inhabiting a female body.
Vernissage, 08.03.24
18.00- 22.00
Saturday, 09.03.24
Sunday, 10.03.24
Entrance from the street, right next to the Nonneseter bybane stop.
Nonnester Kapell
Kaigaten 3, 5015 Bergen