Inderøy, Trøndelag
Owned by the National Trust of Norway since 1887.
Well preserved church with elements reflecting its long life. Hustad church is located by Vestre Hustad farm cluster, which was a chieftain’s residence during the Middle Ages. This indicates that the church was built as a private church for the chieftain at Hustad. It comprises a chancel, nave, tower and tower base and measures 23.8 metres in length. The timber from which the roof trusses of the nave were made was felled in the winter of 1162/63. The roof of the chancel is probably somewhat older. Both the exterior and the interior of the church are exceptionally well preserved, with elements from the Middle Ages as well as the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries.
Major changes after the Reformation. The alteration that took place in 1650 following the Reformation was the greatest change that the church has undergone since its construction. This alteration changed the church from an open building with three entrances to a long church with an entrance from the west. The stone altar is the only surviving part of the medieval interior.
From private property to property of the National Trust. The church was auctioned off to private owners in 1723–1724. In 1838, the last private owner sold the church to the people of the village, who renovated it. The church interior was painted in light colours typical of the time. The church was closed down in 1887, when a bigger church was built in a more central location in the parish, and it was gifted to the National Trust of Norway that year.
Things to do in the area. The church is located in a beautiful cultural landscape rich in history and things to do. The Golden Detour is the name used to denote the Inderøy area’s many attractions including farm tourism, culinary experiences, accommodation and art experiences. The National Trust of Norway also owns Sakshaug old church in Inderøy.
Sources: En reise gjennom norsk byggekunst, ed. Terje Forseth. National Trust of Norway, 1994. Sakshaug gamle kirke og Hustad kirke. To gudshus fra 1100-tallet, National Trust of Norway, 2018.
Opening hours
- Season: June/July/August (16.06 - 18.08)
- Opening hours: Sundays 13 -16
- Groups by appointment. See contactinformation.
Ticket prices
- Groups: 750,- NOK Guide included
Visit us
Hustadvegen 917670 Inderøy
Contact us
- Sissel Norum Tlf: 906 44 139
- Epost: inderoy@fortidsminneforeningen.no