A storehouse with impressive craftsmanship

Lydvaloftet stands out because of the impressive craftsmanship that went into it, including the carved decoration around the main door on the first floor. The decoration is in relief on the logs. The storehouse is big and elegant, which suggests that it belonged to rich and powerful farmers.
60,6241707 6,3848824
Lydvavegen 19, Voss, 5700

Voss, Hordaland (Vestland)

Owned by the National Trust of Norway since 1909.

A big and elegant loft from before the Black Death. Lydvaloftet was built before the Black Death arrived in Norway in 1349, perhaps even before 1300. The storehouse was originally known as Oppigardsloftet and was part of the farm cluster at Lydvo. The painted decoration on the second door on the first floor also show that the owners of this storehouse were wealthy. The house is built in the cog joint technique, and was a common type of farm building where food was stored on the ground floor, and the first floor was used to store clothes and as accommodation for guests. The first floor was called a loft, and that is how the building got its name. This building also had a second floor for more casual use. The layout is very traditional, but what sets Lydvaloftet apart from other storehouses of the loft type is the impressive and time-consuming craftsmanship. Later additions and maintenance have made the first floor even more elegant.

Things to do in the area. The National Trust of Norway also owns Finnesloftet and Ullestadbua, both of which are found in Voss. Voss has plenty of activities to offer, from extreme mountain and water sports to museums, shopping and the Vossa Jazz festival.

Sources: En reise gjennom norsk byggekunst, ed. Terje Forseth. National Trust of Norway, 1994.